Friday, January 30, 2009

Remedies for Varicose Veins


Elastic support stockings are recommended for the people suffering from varicose veins. Support stockings help your leg muscles push blood upward by concentrating pressure near the ankles.

Mix 12 drops each of cypress and geranium essential oils in four ounces of carrier oil such as almond, soy or sunflower. Gently apply the mixture to the legs by stroking upward, in the direction of the heart. Don't massage directly on the veins. This is very useful home remedy for varicose veins.

Massage oil of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) gently into an affected area. It may help stimulate circulation by causing capillaries to dilate.

Oils of cypress and chamomile (Matticari a recutita) may soothe swelling and inflammation and help relieve pain.

Add whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables, to your diet as often as possible. Eat plenty of blackberries and cherries. They are rich in compounds that may prevent varicose veins or lessen the discomfort they cause.

Sugar, salt, alcohol, fried foods, processed and refined foods, animal protein, cheeses, and ice cream should be avoided.

Take two buckets tall enough to submerge the legs up to the knees. Fill one bucket with enough comfortably hot water to cover the lower legs and the other bucket with the same amount of cold water. Add 2 tablespoons of Epsom salts per quart of water or you can add aromatherapy oil to the water. Soak your feet and legs in the hot water for about three minutes, and then immerse them in the cold water for about 30 seconds. Repeat three times, finishing with the cold soak. Perform this treatment once a day for at least one month.

Drink eight ounces of fresh berry or pineapple juice, alone or diluted with another fruit juice, once or twice a day.

One or two glasses daily of fresh fruit or vegetable juices- especially any combination of apple, beet, carrot, celery, citrus, parsley, or pineapple-and dietary supplements may be helpful in preventing and treating varicosities.

Lying flat on the floor and resting the legs on a chair seat or straight up against a wall for 2 minutes drains blood from swollen veins.

Elevating the feet higher than the hips with a recliner or ottoman, and raising the foot of the bed a few inches, helps blood flow back to the heart from the legs.

Practice morning walk briskly or finish your day with a swim or bike ride.

Apply a cloth saturated with apple cider vinegar on the varicose veins for 30 minutes twice a day. Follow this with a drink of 2 teaspoons of the vinegar in a glass of water.

Prepare a mixture by adding 2 cups of chopped calendula flowers, leaves, and stems into an equal amount of melted lard. Let the mixture stand for 24 hours. Reheat and strain. Coat this over your varicose veins and let it stand overnight.

Steep crushed, fresh violet leaves and flowers or marigold flowers in boiling water. Apply compresses of the liquid.

Eat a few fresh marigold petals every day. This treatment is believed to shrink varicosities and nourish the veins.

Add three tablespoons of sugar to one pint of warm water and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Take two ounces of this mixture everyday

Rub your legs with full- strength vinegar. Mix two tablespoons of vinegar with honey and drink it.

Periods of rest with your feet a few inches above your heart level let gravity work in your favor, helping pooled blood drain from your legs.

Avoid high heels in favor of flat shoes.

Avoid standing for long periods of time. This will reduce pressure on the valves in the veins in your legs.

While standing, get on your tiptoes by lifting your heels off the floor. Do this twenty times, relax for a few minutes, and then repeat.

Jump rope to strengthen the leg muscles and blood vessels. Begin slowly to build up tolerance; jump one minute per session and slowly build up to 5 minutes.

Alternating 2 minute icy-cold and very hot soaks (with 2 tablespoons of epsom salts per quart of water) for ten minutes daily will stimulate circulation.

Do not wear tight clothes because they restrict blood flow.

Few Tips For Eyes

The eyes are the part of the face we notice first. This is why it's important to make sure that your eyes look their best when attending to your makeup and care routine. Following are some great beauty tips for your eyes, no matter who you are.
1. Healthy eyes are beautiful eyes. If your eyes are swollen, red, or otherwise unhealthy, no amount of makeup is going to disguise this fact. If you wear contact lenses, make sure that you attend to all the care instructions for them. Also, protect your eyes by using cosmetics with sunscreen included.

2. When putting on eye makeup, make sure it goes with the rest of your look. Too many women forget that while the eyes are important, they must be in harmony with the rest of the face. Choose eye makeup that goes with what you're wearing, and with the look you choose on the rest of your face. Don't let your features go to war with each other to be the most prominent – you'll have to choose whether you want the focus to be on your lips or eyes, for instance. Overdoing it can just look garish.

3. Lay a good base. A layer of foundation on your eyelids will help smooth out imperfections and help your eye shadow and liner look their best.

4. Choose a color theme. This doesn't meant that you have to use a monochrome scheme for your eye makeup, but it does mean that it's a good idea to keep an idea of color harmony in mind as you apply your makeup. The colors that will work best for you depend on your skin tone.

5. Pay attention to your eye shape. What works on one person won't necessarily look good on another. Figuring out what shape and set your eyes are can go a long way to helping you get the right look.

6. Select quality cosmetics. It really matters whether or not your makeup is high quality. Don't let your tools work against you just because you can get a cheaper brand. You'll never achieve the same looks you can with a better brand.

7. Use specialized cleansers to remove your makeup. Soap and water are harsh and can irritate the eyes. Specially formulated eye cleansers are gentle, but made to remove old cosmetics.

8. Use darker, more heavily made up looks at night. Daytime requires a more natural look. Apply mascara on the tips of the lashes only, and save the liquid liner for evenings. Harsh makeup in daylight can look overdone or silly.

9. Soften over-prominent eyes. Just because the eyes are the first thing we pay attention to doesn't meant that they must be the focus of every look. If you feel that your eyes are too prominent, apply medium shadow and don't use highlights. This will make them appear deeper-set.

10. Keep up to date on the latest looks. If you've been doing your eyes the same way for years, you can look dated without knowing it. Pay attention to what other people are wearing as well as the latest makeup styles, and form a look that's your own.