Place your thumbs right in the center of each temple Massage firmly using a circular motion for a minute or two, or until you feel relief.
A hot water bath or shower may also help to relieve the headache.
Eat 10-12 almonds, for a migraine headache.
Make a compress by putting 5 drops of lavender essential oil in cold (or warm) water. Swish around a soft cloth, and then put it on your head or neck.
Put your hands in hot water, which seems to pull the pressure out of your head.
In some cases sleep gives relief to the headache. Sleeping on back give relief to the headache.
Deep breathing is a great tension reliever. Deep breathing gives immediate relief to the headache.
Tie a tight cloth around the head. It will decrease blood flow to the scalp and lessen the throbbing and pounding of a migraine.
Avoid chocolate, aged cheese, red wine, citrus fruits. These foods all contain tyramine or other histamines which have been shown to begin migraines in people with food sensitivities.
For natural cure for migraine headache, prepare a paste of freshly ground clay or freshly ground sandalwood and apply to the forehead, let dry, rub off by hand and wash.
Drink a teaspoon of honey in a glass of warm water or fill the stomach completely with water if not suffering from a cold.
Take equal parts of natural apple cider vinegar and water place in a small pan on the stove, allowing it to boil slowly. When the fumes begin to rise from the pan, lean your head over it until the fumes are comfortably strong. Inhale for approximately 50 to 80 breaths.
Juice of ripe grapes and is an effective home remedy for the migraine headache.
Niacin has proved helpful in relieving migraine pain. Valuable sources of this vitamin are yeast, whole wheat, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, nuts, sunflower seeds, liver, and fish.
Take few leaves of the cabbage crush them, and then place in a cloth and bound on the forehead at bedtime, or when convenient during the day. The Compress should be renewed when the leaves dry out.
Make a paste of the lemon crust. The paste should be applied, like a plaster on the forehead. It will provide great relief.
Carrot juice along with spinach, or beet and cucumber juices, has been found beneficial in the treatment of migraine. In the first combination, 200 ml of spinach juice may be mixed with 300 ml of carrot juice to prepare 500 ml or half a litre of the combined juices. In the second combination, 100 ml each of beet and cucumber juices may be mixed with 300 ml of carrot juice. This is very effective home remedy for headache and migraines.
The patient should eat frequent small meals rather than a few large ones. Overeating should be avoided. Copious drinking of water is beneficial.
Make a solution by adding half a teaspoon mustard seeds powder and three teaspoons water, put in the nostrils, it helps to decrease the migraine.
A peppermint steam inhalation provides quick relief for sinus headaches.
Mix 1 teaspoon finely ground cinnamon (called dalchini in India) in 1-teaspoon water and applies on the forehead. It is very effective in headache due to exposure to cold air.
Make a paste from dry ginger with a little water or milk, apply to the forehead for relief of the headache due to sinusitis.
Make a paste of 10-15 Basil leaves with 4 cloves and 1 teaspoon dried ginger and apply to forehead for sinus cure.
Cut a potato into 4 pieces, place 2 in the center of your forehead and two at your temple (Hold the ones at your temples in place). Lie down in a dark room and close your eyes. It takes a while to work but it takes away the pain. This is very effective home remedy for headache and migraines.