Saturday, July 30, 2011


" Health Benefits of Cucumber ( Kheera ) Cucumber ( Kheera )

We used to think that cucumber is too "cooling"

for rheumatism. On the contrary, cucumber

really helps counter inflammation in joints

by removing the uric acid crystallization.

The cucumber is a type of melon and comes from the same family as watermelon, zucchini and other squash. It is cylindrical in shape with lengths of approximately 6 to 9 inches. Its skin is very similar to watermelon, ranges from green to white. Inside, the flesh is pale green and very juicy. The cucumber is a tropical plant but is also easily available in most part of the world. However, in some cultures, cucumber is more often used to make pickles, of which most of its nutrients would have been lost.

Nutritional Benefits:

Cucumber has an impressive amount of water (about 96%) that is naturally distilled, which makes it superior to ordinary water. Its skin contains a high percentage of vitamin A, so should not be peeled off.

The cucumber contains alkaline-forming minerals and is an excellent source of vitamin C and A (anti-oxidants), folate, manganese, molybdenum, potassium, silica, sulfur, and lesser amounts of vitamin B complex, sodium, calcium, phosphorus and chlorine.

You have seen beauty practitioners use slices of cucumber on their eyes. It is found that the caffeic acid in this vegetable helps to prevent water retention and when applied topically, helps reduce puffy and swollen eyes.

Health Benefits:

Many people are ignorant of the immense health benefits of cucumber and would avoid eating cucumber where possible. Fresh cucumber may taste "bland" to some but its thirst-quenching and cooling properties are refreshing. It acts as an anti-oxidant when taken together with fried and barbequed foods.

I like to mix cucumber juice with carrot or orange juices. Here's a list of health benefits of cool cucumber:

Acidity: The alkalinity of the minerals in cucumber juice effectively helps in regulating the body's blood pH, neutralizing acidity. The juice is also soothing for the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Blood pressure: Like celery, this colorless drink can help regulate blood pressure because of its minerals and traces of sodium.

Connective tissues, building: The excellent source of silica contributes to the proper construction of connective tissues in our body as in the bones, muscles, cartilage, ligaments and tendons.

Cooling: During dry and hot weather, drink a glass of cucumber + celery juice. It wonderfully helps to normalize body temperature.

Diuretic: Cucumber juice is diuretic, encouraging waste removal through urination. This also helps in the dissolution of kidney stones.

Fever: The temperature regulating properties in cucumber juice makes it a suitable drink when you have a fever.

Inflammation: The Chinese think that cucumbers are too "cooling" and not suitable for people with rheumatism. But we know now that cucumber can help counter uric acids that are causing inflammation in joints. When cucumber is taken it does its cleaning work at the joints, thus stirring up pain as it eliminates the uric acid. This means it also help other inflamed conditions like arthritis, asthma, and gout.

Hair growth: The silicon and sulfur content in cucumber juice makes it especially helpful in promoting hair growth. Drink it mixed with carrot, lettuce or spinach juice.

Puffy eyes: Some people wake up in the morning with puffy eyes, probably due to too much water retention in the body (or having cried to sleep). To reduce the puffiness, lie down and put two slices of cucumber on the eyes for a good ten minutes.

Skin conditions: The high amount of vitamin C and anti-oxidants in cucumber makes it an important ingredient in many beauty creams for treating eczema, psoriasis, acne, etc.

Sunburn: When there is a sunburn, make cucumber juice and rub it on the affected area for a cooling and healing effect.

Water retention: It supplies the necessary electrolytes and restores hydration of the body cells, thus reducing water retention.

Consumption Tips:

Choose cucumbers that are dark green in color and firm to the touch. Avoid those that are yellowish or are wrinkled at either ends. Thinner cucumbers have fewer seeds than those that are thicker. Store cucumbers in the fridge to retain its freshness. Cut cucumbers should be kept wrapped up or in an air-tight container and kept in the fridge. Consume within a day or two.


Where possible, buy organic as cucumbers may be waxed or have pesticides. If non-organic, wash cucumber under cold running water and scrub gently with a vegetable brush. It might help also to soak it for 5-10 minutes with 1-2 tablespoon apple cider vinegar.


Coconut - benefits Coconut

Coconut is a tropical fruit that is rich in protein. The meat of the coconut is very good in destroying intestinal parasites, that we get from eating infected food. Coconut water is good for kidney and urinary bladder problems.

Nutritive Values : Per 100 gm.

•Vitamin A :

•Vitamin B : Thiamine .10 mg.;

•Riboflavin :

•Niacin :

•Vitamin C : 2 mg.

•Calcium : 21 mg.

•Iron : 2.0 mg.

•Phosphorus : 98 mg.

•Fat : 34.7 gm.

•Carbohydrates : 14 gm.

•Protein : 3.4 gm.

•Calories : 359

Other Health Benefits of Coconut :

1.Prevents simple goiter (enlarged non-toxic thyroid) because of its organic iodine content.

2.Good body builder, so it is a food recommended for building up the body muscles of thin and emaciated individuals.

3.Constipation and for any build-up of gas in the stomach and intestinal tract.

4.Coconut milk has been found to help cases of sore throat as well as relieving stomach ulcers.

5.Coconut oil has been found to heal cuts, scratches, burns and sunburns.

6.The oil has also been recommended for facial massage and is reported to be good as a wrinkle remover.

7.Coconut oil is also good for the scalp and hair and makes hair dressing unnecessary.

8.Intake of at least 2 Tbsp. of Virgin coconut oil per day can lessen your Vitamin E requirement.

9.Coconut water is good for kidney and urinary bladder problems.

Amaranth (Chawli)

Amaranth - benefits Amaranth - Natural Benefits and Curative Properties

Botanical Name :: Amaranthus,gangeticus

Other English Name :: China spinach

Indian Name :: Chaulai-ka-saag

Amaranth is a popular green leafy vegetable grown all over India. It is usually a short lived annual herb, with erect and often thick and fleshy stems and green leaves There are about six different species of amaranth in cultivation

Origin and Distribution of Amaranth

Most species of amaranth are believed to have originated in ,the Andran region of South America or Mexico. The various species are now widely distributed throughout most tropical areas are India, Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Taiwan, South Pacific, tropical Africa and the Caribbean. Amaranth is a warm season crop and all species can be grown in the summer as well as the rainy season.

Natural Benefits and Curative Properties of Amaranth

Regular use of amaranth in our food items prevents the deficiency of vitamins A, B1, B2, and C, calcium, iron and potassium. It protects against several disorders such as defective vision, respiratory infections, recurrent colds retarded growth and functional sterility.

•Respiratory Disorders :- Amaranth is valuable in respiratory system disorders. Drinking fresh juice along with honey is remedy for chronic bronchitis, asthma, emphysema and tuberculosis.

•Pregnancy and Lactation :- Regular use of amaranth during pregnancy and lactation is highly beneficial One cup of fresh leaf juice of amaranth mixed with honey and a pinch of cardamom powder should be taken during the entire period of pregnancy It will help the normal growth of the baby, prevent the loss of calcium and iron from the body, relax the uterine ligaments and facilitate easy delivery without much pain Its use after child birth will shorten the laying in period, check the postnatal complications, and increase the flow of breast milk.

•Retarded Growth :- Amaranth is very useful in preventing retarded growth in children. A teaspoonful of the fresh juice mixed with few drops of honey should be given once every day to infants after a fort night of the birth It will help the baby to grow healthy and strong. It will prevent constipation and ease the teething process as the baby grows.

Growing children can safely be given this juice as a natural protein tonic. It contains all the essential amino acids such as arginine, nistidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, cystine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine.

•Premature Ageing :- The regular use of amaranth is useful in preventing premature old age It prevents the disturbance of calcium and iron metabolism which usually occurs in old age. According to Dr. Van-Sylke, calcium molecules begin to get deposited in the bone tissues as one becomes old This haphazard calcium distribution is influenced by the improper molecular movements of iron in the tissues. If this molecular disturbance of calcium and iron is prevented by regular supply of food. calcium and iron as found in amaranth and the health is maintained by its regular use from the early age, the process of ageing can be prevented.

•Bleeding Tendencies :- The use of amaranth is valuable in all bleeding tendencies. A cupful of fresh leaf juice mixed with a teaspoonful of lime juice should be taken every night in conditions like bleeding from the gums, nose, lungs, piles and excessive menstruation. It acts as a natural tonic.

•Leucorrhoea :- Amaranth is beneficial in the treatment of leucorrhoea. The rind of the root of amaranth rubbed in 250 ml. of water and strained. It should be given to the patient daily in the morning as well as in the evening. It is a very effective remedy for this disease and quite often the very first dose gives relief. The root of amaranth is very much susceptible to moths. Hence care should be taken to see that it is not mouth eaten. In case good root is not available. its leaves and branches may be used.

•Venereal Diseases :- Amaranth is considered highly beneficial in the treatment of gonorrhea. About 25 gm's of the leaves of this vegetable should be given twice or thrice a day to the patient in Venereal Diseases.