Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Face Pack for oily skin

                                        Pack for Oily Skin

Pack for Oily Skin
                 A] 1tsp Multani Mitti
1tsp Rose Water or Plain Water
½ tsp Lemon Juice.

Mix together and make a paste.Apply on skin.Keep till dry.Then wash with plain water.

B] Juice of 2 carrots
½ tsp Flour

Mix together and make a paste.Apply on skin.Keep till dry.Then wash with plain water

Breathing Therapy

Correct Way Of Breathing Can Be Very Helpful

Our noses have left and right nostrils. Are these nostrils having the same function for inhaling (breathe in) and exhaling (breathe out)?

Actually it's not the same and we can feel the difference. Accordingly, the right side represents the sun and the left side represents the moon.
When having headache, try to close your right nostril and use your left nostril to do breathing for about 5 min. The headache will be gone.
If you feel too tired, do it the opposite way. Close your left nostril and breathe through your right nostril. After a while, you will feel refresh again.
Because the right side belongs to heat, so it gets hot easily. The left side gets cold easily.
Women breathe mainly with their left nostril, so they get calm down easily.
Men breathe mostly with their right nostril, so they get angry easily.
When we wake up, do we notice which nostril breathes faster? Is it the left side or the right side?
If the left nostril breathes faster, you will feel very tired.. Close your left nostril and use your right nostril for breathing and you will get refresh quickly.
You can teach your kids about it. The effect of breathing therapy is much better for adults.

I used to have headache every night and I was not able to study. I took medicine but I was not cured.
One night as I sat down to medidate, I closed my right nostril and breathed with my left nostril. In less than a week, it seemed that my headache problem had left me! I continued doing it for about a month and since then there was no recurrence of headache in me.
This is my own experience. I used to tell others who also suffer headache to try this method as it was effective for me. It also works for those who have tried as well. This is a natural therapy, unlike taking medicines for a long time may have side effect. So, why don't you try it out?

Practice the correct ways of breathing (breathe in and breathe out) and your body will be in a very relaxing condition.

How to reduce Wrinkles

How To Reduce Wrinkles And Look Younger

Would you like to reduce those worrisome fine lines on your face and look youthful again? Here are some helpful tips.
As you get up there in years, certain problems are going to crop up and one of them is wrinkles. They can show up around your eyes, forehead, cheeks and neck. You can get rather depressed when you look into a mirror. Take heart, there are answers.
Maybe you cannot stop time from marching on, but you can reduce the signs of the aging process and look better than ever. Here is what happens and some suggestions to follow.

Why Do You Develop Wrinkles?
As a person ages, the skin undergoes significant changes. The inner layer of the skin begins to thin and the cells begin to divide more slowly. Fat cells begin to lessen or die beneath the dermis.
The network of collagen fibers and elastin which provide a sort of scaffolding for the surface layer begin to loosen and unravel. Skin then loses its elasticity. It tends to droop and forms furrows.
The oil secreting and sweat glands atrophy, and the skin cannot retain its moisture. Therefore, it becomes dry and scaly. Constant facial expressions form characteristic lines. Gravity makes the situation worse and contributes to the formation of drooping eyelids and jowls. Also, eyebrows tend to move up as someone ages perhaps because of forehead wrinkles and the skin has less of an ability to repair itself so wounds heal more slowly.

There are other forces at play that can make your skin suffer, such as :
1. The sun damages collagen fibers and causes an accumulation of abnormal elastin. Metalloproteinases, or enzymes, are produced that are able to repair most of the damage, however, it is this repetition of the rebuilding process that is done over and over again that causes skin problems.
2. The sun's UV radiation promotes oxidation. This also leads to the development of skin abnormalities.
3. Cigarette smoking causes the thickening and fragmentation of elastin, reduces circulation and the amount of oxygen that is supplied to the skin, and leads to less Collagen formation and reduced water content in the skin. Lastly, smoking compromises the ability of the skin to fend off free radicals causing cell destruction.
4. Air pollution – Ozone may be a problem for the skin. It may cause depletion of Vitamin E in the skin which is a vital antioxidant.
5. Rapid weight loss – This can cause fine lines since it reduces the volume of fat cells which cushion the face. This will cause the skin to sag.
6. Heredity – You may have inherited some skin characteristics from your parents.
Wrinkles are the most noticable signs of aging. As tissues sag, these lines form a type of canvas that is covered with cracks that have varying depths. As time marches on, they deepen and reach the dermis. As the dermis loses its elasticity, it becomes slack which leads to the formation of more pronounced wrinkles over 0.05 mm in depth.
Here is the normal progression of wrinkles characterized by age group:
20-25 – Vertical wrinkles on one's forehead and even between the eyebrows may already be visible. Fine lines at the external edges of the eyes are not yet noticeable.
25-40 – In the epidermis, wrinkles begin to deepen. They are less than 0.0005 mm in depth. They are caused by the superficial drying out of one's skin as well as the slowing down of cellular renewal.
40-50 – Fine lines around the lips, crow's feet, furrows alongside of the nose and the line between the eyebrows are all beginning to deepen. The skin loses it elasticity and the facial contours are not less well defined.
50 and over – Hormonal secretions end as menopause appears and this speeds up the aging process. The skin's surface begins to modify and intermediary lines are replaced by ever deepening furrows.
The older you become, the more wrinkles you get. You can minimize this damage by taking good care of your skin.

Anti Aging Skin Care Treatments: here are a few promising treatments for sagging skin. There are some new wrinkle creams and topical lotions, like Avotone or Revitol, that contain natural ingredients that may help lessen this problem. For example:
1. Argireline - this is a safer alternative to Botox. It is not derived from any poisonous substance, but from naturally occurring amino acids. This element relaxes facial tension because it is able to reduce the excessive release of neurotransmitters which are also known as catecholamines. These make your facial muscles become tense. If your muscles are not tense, they do not contribute to wrinkles. Also, it may slow down the degeneration of elastin and collagen which normally occurs with aging.
2. Dermox SRC - this is a specially tested serum that helps to control wrinkles, increases the synthesis of collagen, and restores the skin's surface.
3. DMAE - it has been indicated that this antioxidant is able to function as a cell membrane stabilizing agent. It reinforces the skin's foundation of elastin and collagen, makes cells live longer, and helps avoid cell dehydration. It may also assist in the healing of scars, which includes acne scars, and helps to flush out excessive lipofuscin from skin cells reducing age spots.

How Can You Minimize Fine Lines and Wrinkles?
There are many things you can do to reduce the wrinkles that you already have and minimize future occurences. These include:

Stay out of the sun
Avoid smoking
Use a very good topical anti-wrinkle cream
Drink plenty of water
Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits

By following these steps regularly, you will be taking important actions to help maintain a youthful appearance while reducing the onset of aging skin.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Warm Up & Stretching Exercises


1) Arm Swings -- 1 minute

Stand with feet comfortably apart, knees slightly bent, and start with arms at shoulder level. Stretch arms straight out to the side and back behind you, contracting shoulder blades together, then bring them all the way across the torso, gradually speeding up the movements and increasing the range of motion until your muscles feel loose.

2) Shoulder Circles / Windmill Arms -- 1 minute 

Place hands on shoulders and start with small rotations backwards, gradually increasing the range of motion and then reversing circles and doing the same thing forward. Do both at the same time, or alternate one at a time. For greater range of motion toward the end of the minute, swing straight arms up overhead, forward and backward, in windmill fashion, as though you were going to swim the front crawl or back stroke. (Not pictured)


3) Partial Squats -- 1 minute

This exercise will help you warm up the large muscles in your thighs and buttock, muscles used heavily in hiking, scrambling, jogging, and cycling, as well as any daily activities like sitting down and standing back up.
Position your feet a little wider than shoulder width apart. Turn your toes out slightly so that your knees track directly over the middle toe of each foot. The wider your stance, the more turned out your toes will be. If you choose to use a wide stance and your toes remain facing straight forward, the torque on your knees may be a little uncomfortable or even painful; check alignment right away. Keep your back flat (not vertical, but flat from shoulders to hips) and chest upright, abs tight to support the lower back, arms in front to counter-balance. Lower your hips and torso to a comfortable spot for you then exhale as you stand upright. Try to keep your heels flat on the floor. If you have any discomfort in the knees, then simply keep this movement in your pain free zone until you can have an expert assess any imbalances or problems with your muscular structure. If you have a difficult time keeping heels down, the frog stretch will help over time.

4) Elbow-Knee Touches -- 1 minute

Stand tall with legs shoulder distance apart and arms stretched out to the side. Without bending forward at the waist, lift your leg up and bring your opposite elbow in front of the body to meet it, then alternate with the other elbow and knee. If you have difficulty doing this move without excessively bending the standing leg or leaning forward, you will greatly appreciate the hamstring and lower back stretch, the last one listed below. If you feel stiff in the back as you bend forward and rotate, the standing rotational stretch will feel especially helpful. This movement is important for anyone involved in torso twisting activities, such as kayaking, climbing, skiing, or even gardening.

5) "Butt Kicking" 1 minute

This exercise will warm up the hamstrings in the back of the upper thighs. You may not be able to actually kick your own butt, but the goal is to try to get your foot as close to the butt as possible. If you like, you can do this as a high-footed jog, or simply keep one foot on the ground at all times. Keep your torso upright so as to prevent hyperextending the back. Play around with foot position--toes pointed, toes flexed--and see how different a single move can feel by simply changing one thing.
Once you are all warmed up, move right to the static stretches.


6) Tree / Door Jamb Chest Stretch, 20 sec.
A great feel-good stretch for everyone we’ve introduced to it, including climbers, kayakers, hikers, computer programmers, or any other people who typically have forward-shoulder posture or sedentary sitting jobs.Stand by a tree or wall and extend your arm out from the torso at a right angle, with elbow bent at 90 degrees. Place your forearm or hand against a wall (or both at the same time, if using a door jamb, as shown) and lean forward. For a more comfortable position, stagger your stance as shown with one foot forward to keep your balance. Hold the stretch on each side for about 10-15 seconds, and vary the angle (i.e. height of arms) depending on what part of your upper body is tight.

7) Hip Flexor Lunge Stretch, 20 sec.

Hip flexors frequently are tight in those people who spend lots of time sitting, (whether at work or in a kayak) and over extended periods of time, they can pull your body into improper posture, resulting in lower back pain if not resolved. Hip flexors are involved in repetitive motions that involve lifting the leg forward—such as hiking, walking uphill, and step aerobics. To keep them stretched out, try the following stretch using your body weight. Stride forward with one leg, coming up on the toes of the leg behind you, and lower your torso until front leg is at a right angle, knee just at or behind shoelaces. Hold onto a tree or wall, if you need help with balance. Keep your torso erect, and slowly extend both arms overhead, reaching fingers to the sky and looking up toward hands. Press the hip forward until you feel a good stretch right at the bend in your forward hip. An option is to turn the foot out, as shown (a modification of the Warrior posture in yoga) with insole of the foot flat against the ground.

8) Frog Stretch, 20 sec.
It’s a great stretch for thighs, hips, calves, and lower back. With hands out in front of you and feet and knees turned out so they remain in alignment, squat down as low as possible keeping heels flat on the floor. (If your heels pop up, try stretching your tight calves on a stair step with ball of the foot on the step and one heel pressing down toward the floor, hold 15 seconds.) Press knees open with elbows to prepare hips and legs for climbs that involve facing into the wall with legs spread far apart. Be persistent with this and with time you should see dramatic improvement.


9) Spinal Rotation Stretch, 20 sec.

Place left foot up on high surface (car bumper, rock, chair), hips and toes squared forward. Twist your torso to the left, right hand on left knee to give you a little extra leverage. Try to reach left hand toward right hip, so that you resemble a pretzel, or, to get an added stretch in shoulders and upper back, extend the left arm straight behind you. As you exhale, gradually twist farther behind you, eyes toward your hand. Repeat to the other side. Some folks may feel a very minor pop along the vertebrae when doing this—sort of like your own chiropractic adjustment. Be gentle the first few times you try it, and as always, keep stretches pain free and comfortable.

10) Lower Back and Hamstring Stretch, 20 sec. 

This is an excellent stretch for the hamstrings and lower back muscles. Stand with feet a bit wider than shoulder width, and slowly bend forward at the waist. Grasp your elbows with hands and dangle your head between your legs. Keep this comfortable, and as you hold the stretch, you’ll notice the muscles lengthening as gravity helps you drop down even further. Keep the legs straight but not locked; reach hand and torso toward opposite calf, bending toward the knee, and then repeat other side. To get out of the stretch, place hands on the thighs and round the spine, exhaling as you stand up.

With these general warm-up and stretching exercises completed, your body will be much better prepared for participation in any and all summer activities with less likelihood of muscle strain or stiffness. As you start out, take it easy for the first 10-15 minutes or so, getting the body more thoroughly warmed up in the moves specific to your chosen activity. Finally, once you are finished with your adventure, you may be ready to go for beers, sodas, or pizza--but take just a few short minutes to run through the last 5 stretching exercises. This will help you increase your range of motion while the body is still warm, and leave you more limber than when you started. It also will help prevent stiffness that often sets in following a long car ride. Believe me, your body will thank you for it.