Sunday, June 7, 2009

Home Remedies for LEG PAIN


• Grab your upper lip between your thumb and index finger, and squeeze for about 30 seconds to get relief.

• Grab the cramping muscle tightly, pushing your fingertips deep into the cramp for about 10 to 15 seconds, then release. You can repeat as often as necessary to relieve the cramp.

• After the cramp is gone, stretch out the muscle but begin slowly and without bouncing on it. To begin, sit down on the floor and extend the leg. Then reach out and gently pull your toes toward your knee.

• Drinking a cup of water (about eight ounces) every 20 minutes before, during and after exercise will help keep your system from dehydrating. Dehydration helps to prevent cramping.

Boil 1-teaspoon saffron in 1/2 cup water. Let it reduce to become 1 tablespoon. Divide this solution into three portions and take with equal quantities of water, thrice daily for a couple of days. This is very effective home remedy for leg pains and will help to reduce the pain.

• A diet high in natural fibres from fruits and vegetables, pulses, whole grains, calcium, magnesium and vitamin E rich foods also help in fighting against the joint pains.

Drink 1 cup of warm water mixed with limejuice and honey to reduce pain.

• Avoid mental tensions that lead to stress. Lose weight, if necessary, to get close to your ideal weight. If you weigh less, there is less weight on your joints and less pain.

• Take foods rich in calcium and protein. Exposure to sunlight for vitamin D is also good. Milk and milk products, ragi, drumstick leaves and drumstick are excellent sources of calcium and sprouted pulses and nuts are very good sources of protein for a vegetarian. Include these foods in the daily diet.

During the painful stages it is important for the patient to have one or two rest periods during the day.

One raw clove of garlic every day is very beneficial. This clove can be fried in ghee (clarified butter) or castor oil. Take for 2 months.

Drink 15 grams of fresh bathu juice daily with an empty stomach without adding any salt or sugar to it. This is very effective home remedy for leg pains.

Massage the affected area with any oil will to provide relief from the pain.

• Heavy meals, meat and fish, sour fruits and fried foods should be avoided, as they are difficult to digest.

• Consumption of rice during nighttime should be avoided. Among fruits bananas are considered best as they provide strength to the joints and grease them.

To get relief from a severe leg cramp in the calf muscle, flex your shin muscle (which opposes your calf muscle) by pulling your toes toward your knee.

To ease the leg pains and reduce inflammation,
ice your shins immediately after running. Use either a store-bought cold pack or simply freeze a wet towel before going out on a run. Whatever you use, wrap the ice pack around your leg and keep it on for 10 or 15 minutes, keeping your foot elevated all the while.